Family Worship

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6: 5-9

Families loving God together is one of the most precious and important things we get to see happening in our community. We want to help equip your family to grow in your love for Him and your love for each other each and every week.

This year we challenge your family to make a commitment to Love God Together through prayer, learning God's word, worshipping Him, creating strong family bonds, and sharing the gospel together.

We hope these resources will help you deepen your family's relationship with God all week long.  
Start a family prayer journal. Share your prayer requests with each other and use a journal to allow your prayer list to grow and become a personalized prayer resource in your home. Be sure to mark prayers that God has answered and praise Him for all the things he does.

Check out the prayer resources at  Pray for other community prayer requests or share a request for yourself or someone you know! 

Pray For Unreached People Groups from

Find Prayer Partners. Reach out to another family in the church and create a prayer partnership for your families using a group text or messaging app so share your concerns. Commit to sharing weekly requests. Share burdens and answered prayer as a way to build your faith and grow in dependance on God.

Go on a prayer walk. Prayer walk through a neighborhood or a part of the town asking God to reveal Himself, prepare hearts to receive the gospel, and for God to point out ministry opportunities.

Schedule a time to pray together. Commit to bedtime prayers. Briefly sit down together in a circle. Ask each family member to share the best and most challenging parts of their day. Have them end by sharing a short prayer need. Then have each family member pray for the person to their right. (Thanks to the Krusac’s who let me see this in action in their family!)
We are excited to provide tons of free resources to your family for continued study throughout the week through our Sunday School curriculum, D6, and the bible study streaming platform, Right Now Media.

You can sign up for your free subscription to 20,000+ online bible studies offered through RightNow Media by clicking
Check out one of these great studies available to your family through Right Now Media:

Bible Backroads- The Book Of Acts: A Study for Families with Kids

Faith Foundations: A Study For Families

The Beatitudes: A Study for Families 

Engage: A Study for Parents

Meaning of Marriage: A Study for Couples

Phillipians- Where does Joy come from? : A Study for Families with Young Kids

Pilgrim’s Progress: A Study for Families with Kids

Looking for a way to bring your family together for worship or simply jam to some great worship music as you drive? Explore these worship playlists created by some of our worship leaders to help your family worship in spirit and in truth:

Tracie's Family Worship Playlist

Austin's Family Worship Playlist

Eric's Family Worship Playlist

Family Worship for Families with Young Kids

Fun activities help family members connect on a deeper level. Shared experiences create memories and strengthen the emotional bonds in our families. Having fun together illustrates how to build and maintain loving, joyful relationships, reflecting love and unity in our homes. Enjoy learning some of these great games together utilizing simply a deck of cards and a set of dice!

Card Game Library

Dice Game Booklet

Families ministering to families and kids ministering to kids is a beautiful thing! We pray that your family will be equipped with plenty of new and engaging ways to share the gospel as a family both here and abroad. 

Here are some ideas to get creative at home and partner with OCC in sharing the gospel worldwide: 
-Write a letter to the child receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.
-Decorate the inside of your shoebox.
-Create a Popsicle Stick Puzzle.
-Make a Gospel Bracelet for your shoebox.
-Find an item for your shoebox that is new/like new to put in your shoebox.

Some ideas to get creative and share the gospel locally:
-Create a card for a local hero and let them know you are praying for them. ( A police officer, firefighter, medical professional, or teacher.) Ask an adult to deliver it to them.
-Make a Gospel Bracelet for a friend.
-Paint a rock with a gospel message and place it in the community for someone to find.
-Prepare dinner or a dessert for a family in the community and deliver it with one of the How to Find God Testaments available at the Next Steps Table.

Looking for something else?  

We would love the opportunity to partner with your family! Use the form below to let us know what other resources you would like to support your family or let us know how we can be praying for you!